Social commitment of cometis AG
Vita Assistenzhunde e.V.
Vita Assistenzhunde e.V. is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to people with physical disabilities and thus provides them with more independence and better quality of life. Vita e.V. is a member of the international association ADEu (Assistance Dogs Europe) and meets international standards. The association was founded in March 2000 by Dipl.-Sozialpädagogin Tatjana Kreidler in Frankfurt am Main. The target audiences are children and adults with physical disabilities. Vita is the first and only association in Germany to train children’s teams according to ADEu guidelines.
In the area of “dogs helping people,” you can distinguish between an assistant dog and a therapy dog. An assistant dog is a dog who takes on specific tasks for people with physical disabilities and thus helps them to cope with their everyday lives. These include, for example, seeing-eye dogs, disabled companion dogs, dogs for deaf people and so-called epilepsy dogs. A handicap guide dog is trained for disabled people. It helps the person in his daily life through special tasks that he cannot cope with alone.
For example:
- On-call availability
- Opening/closing doors, drawers and cabinets
- Getting help
- Help to move
- To help in the household (eg, loading/emptying the washing machine).

The assistant dog is far more than just a helper for practical tasks. As a social mediator, it promotes the integration of people with physical disabilities into society. It is much easier to make contact with the help of the dog. Wheelchair users are provided security while helping “pedestrians” to overcome the obstacle to people with physical disabilities. In addition, it contributes to the enhancement of self-esteem and self-awareness. It conveys the feeling of being needed. Just as the human being relies on the help of the dog, the dog also needs attention and care through his human being. Through its practical functions and social-emotional components, the assistant dog helps disadvantaged people to attain more independence from third parties, while at the same time reducing the cost of care, the costs of healing and the costs of therapy. It helps to improve the quality of life of a person with a physical disability.
The assistant dogs of Vita e.V. are trained according to very high quality standards, which are on the one hand according to the guidelines from the concept of Vita e. V. and on the other hand from the umbrella organization of the Assistance Dogs Europe (ADEu).
If you would like to support this association, you will find all contact details and the donation account listed below.
VITA e.V. Verein für Assistenzhunde
Information center Raunheim
Simone Beckert
Gottfried-Keller-Straße, 765479 Raunheim
Phone: +49 (0) 6142 161 71 79
Fax: +49 (0) 6142 161 80 90
Web: VITA Assistenzhunde
Donation account
Deutsche Bank
BLZ: 500 700 24
Account number: 30 109 15
IR 2015 fundraising
€1000 for good causes
Within the scope of IR 2015, a celebrity quiz took place for a good cause. The following institutions were considered:
N-TV journalist Raimund Brichta donated €500.00 to the social fund from his hometown of Nidderau, while Lencke Steiner supported Bremer Philharmoniker GmbH with a donation of €300.00. Fredi Bobic, who was represented by Hans Richard Schmitz, CEO of Hamborner REIT AG, paid €200.00 to the Giovane-Elber Foundation.
Rays of Hope e.V. – A Living Vision!
In 2003, a handful of employees of a large German airline, often confronted with the difficult everyday lives of many people in South Africa, decided to help.
The association Rays of Hope wants to raise at least some from the underprivileged level of the country –above all the children – and give lasting hope for a more stable life. This does not mean merely surviving your childhood days, but also preparing them for social, educational and professional measures, to leave behind the shadows of the townships and to participate actively and fully in life in the rainbow nation.
Rays of Hope works with the local partner Lesedi la Batho, a community project in the township of Mabopane near Pretoria, on two very interesting subprojects:
- Expansion of the children’s day care center: In order to give more mothers the opportunity to get a job, the children’s day care center capacity was expanded from 50 to 75 and later to 100. While the mothers train for their future, the children are cared for and guided in safe and clean day care centers. Thus, on the one hand, hygienic standards are set and adhered to as well as social behavior trained. In addition, sufficient food is provided, which is a real relief, especially for the very poor from the township.
- Car mechanic training course: By working with the “Managers” organization, Rays of Hope has been able to secure a manager from the automotive industry to design and implement a trial course for young people in the field of auto-mechanics in a three-month sabbatical course. The participants receive an education intended to lead to the fact that they can work at a gas station and/or mechanic shop. Ideally, it is possible to enter an apprenticeship at a car marker.
Time and again, it is about initial support and training so that people can live on their own responsibility – “sustainable help to help yourself” is the motto of Rays of Hope.
With the help of local partner Camphill Village, the association Rays of Hope plans to expand the Center for People with Disabilities into a “Center of Excellence.” This started with a 20 kWp solar power plant, which was inaugurated in March 2014 under great media presence and attended by the German Embassy. The plant had produced 28 MWh by the middle of February 2015 and reduced CO2 emissions by 21 metric tons. Camphill offers people with disabilities a secure home and allows them to work in a local bakery, cheese factory or even in the manufacture of cosmetic products, depending on their qualifications. In this way, people are integrated into a normal daily routine and encouraged.
For any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact Rays of Hope. If you are also interested in supporting this association, you will find the corresponding contact details as well as the donation account:
Contact information:
Contact in Germany:
Rays Of Hope e.V.
c/o Dr. Katrin Emmrich
60318 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 (0) 163 29 39 21 – 6
Donation Account:
Postbank Dortmund
Kontonummer: 995 912 467
Bankleitzahl: 440 100 46
IBAN: DE32 4401 0046 0995 9124 67 /
Contact in South Africa: Camphill
James Sleigh
Lesedi la Batho
Chrisna Groenewald