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Here you will find the latest ESG and investor relations news, studies and press releases from cometis AG and our partner PRGN – Public Relations Global Network.
With the capital market panel and the investor relations panel, cometis has been conducting studies on current market events in the areas of capital markets, ESG and investor relations for several years. To this end, cometis surveys experts from the respective departments several times a year on current topics. In this context, cometis evaluates the topics and the concept and is also responsible for conducting the study.


Here, you can go directly to the respective years of Investor Relations News:

Sustainability reports in Germany: Measurability still in short supply

Sustainability reports in Germany: Measurability still in short supply

Information on sustainability has been mandatory since 2018. Henryk Deter and Dominik Stricker from cometis examined the sustainability reports of companies in the DAX family.
<span id=April 26, 2019 | Dermapharm to expand capacities at its main production site in Brehna" width="172" height="174" data-ratio="1.0116279069767"/>

| Dermapharm to expand capacities at its main production site in Brehna

»Topping out ceremony for new logistics center in Brehna near Leipzig »Expansion of the production site by 12,400 m² »Total investments for new construction of around EUR 11 million »Commitment to Germany as a business location and creation of the logistical prerequisites for the continued growth of the Dermapharm Group
BÖZ April 16, 2019: “The research resembles a construction site”

BÖZ April 16, 2019: “The research resembles a construction site”

Michael Diegelmann (CEO cometis) examines the current state of MiFID implementation with a view to research.
<span id=April 17, 2019 | Dermapharm confirms its profitable growth in 2018 and presents positive outlook for 2019" width="172" height="174" data-ratio="1.0116279069767"/>

| Dermapharm confirms its profitable growth in 2018 and presents positive outlook for 2019

Grünwald, April 17, 2019 – Dermapharm Holding SE (“Dermapharm”), a leading manufacturer of patent-free branded pharmaceuticals for selected therapeutic areas in Germany with a growing international presence, today published its complete Annual Report 2018, confirming the preliminary IFRS Group financial figures for the year and the positive business development with significant revenue growth and a further increase in profitability.


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